21 Feb Music and Your Brain Workshop Series with Molly Gebrian – Part 4
Music and Your Brain Workshop Series with Molly Gebrian – Part 4:
The Power of Attentional Focus
Sunday, May 21
5:00pm Eastern / 2:00pm Pacific
Live via Zoom
Where we focus our attention when we play has an enormous impact on our ability to learn and perform both new and well-practiced skills. Something as simple as a pianist changing their attention from the movement of their fingers to the movement of the keys or hammers can have a significant positive effect on performance. In a nutshell, thinking about how to move and use the body is less effective than thinking about the effect the movements should have. This presentation looks at this body of research and gives practical ideas to players and teachers on how to best utilize this knowledge to enhance learning and increase performance confidence and reliability.
Register to join the live session with Molly, participate in the Q& A, and receive a recording of the session afterward!