01 Nov Join the DDRC Giving Circle Today
Since its founding in 1972, the AVS has emphasized viola research as a core principle. In 1999, the AVS founded the David Dalton Research Competition (DDRC) in honor of noted viola scholar David Dalton to encourage and support student viola research. It has since awarded over twenty prizes and provided numerous opportunities for publication in JAVS. Previous awardees often cite winning the DDRC as an influential point in their development and many have gone on to significant careers in music.
In order to sustain the DDRC far into the future, the AVS announces the DDRC Giving Circle, with a fundraising goal of $10,000. All donations of $50 or more per year to the DDRC (or DDRC Harmony Prize) include membership in the DDRC Giving Circle. Over $600 has already been pledged – we’re on our way!
DDRC members will be recognized by calendar year, with member names posted in the JAVS “Development Corner” column until we reach our goal. Periodically, we will also announce the total raised to celebrate our success and stay motivated to reach our goal!.
In 2022, we are targeting two upcoming dates for DDRC Giving Circle donations:
Giving Tuesday – Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Year-End Giving – Saturday, December 31, 2022
Please plan you 2022 donation today! Your gift to support the DDRC is truly an investment in the future of viola research, and as always, all gifts to the AVS are fully tax-deductible.
There are two easy ways to join the DDRC Giving Circle:
- Donate securely online via the AVS website. Scroll down to “David Dalton Fund” or the “Dalton Harmony Prize” and follow the prompts. A donation of $50 or more per year to either option includes membership.
- Send a check in any amount of $50 or more to the American Viola Society. Please note the DDRC on the memo line, and send to: American Viola Society, 14070 Proton Rd Suite 100, LB9, Dallas, TX 75244
Thank you for your support!